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Me, Myself, and I

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Aberdeen, SD, United States
Hey, I'm Chase! :) I enjoy writing and my girlfriend is both an author and a blogger, she introduced me to blogging and I thought it looked interesting, so here I am making one for all of you to enjoy and find interesting also! I plan to blog about my interests, my daily-life as it goes on, and anything else that happens to come to mind at the time!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Great day! That didn't end so great...

Yesterday, actually a few hours ago, but I can still say yesterday... The original plan was to wake up at 11:00 am. On the contrary, I woke up to my alarm clock a soundless room in which my alarm clock was supposed to go off. I check the time and it says 12:51pm, which was when Breanne was planning on coming to get me. So I stumbled down the stairs in a sleepy manner, open the fridge and stood their for much longer then I should have. I had one of those moments where you stare at your empty fridge, and seeing something you don't want to eat, and hope something better magically appears in there. Even though we all know that it ends up being what we didn't want to eat anyways... and there I was, at my computer, chowing down on some cereal as I brought up Facebook. Now don't get me wrong, cereal is really good, but... same ole' same ole'. Then Breanne messages me saying she is on her way, and I laugh and tell her I just woke up which started the challenge from there. Now, normally their wouldn't be much of a challenge for the day just by sleeping in, but my mother so kindly gave me a list of chores to do and I had to have them done yesterday. That's where the day's challenge came into play. Breanne kept herself calm for once and tried solving the problem by saying she would be at my house in two hours. Secretly in my head that was easily plenty enough time to finish my chores and get ready before she came and got me to go see the last Harry Potter movie. Yet I still managed to type out that two hours wouldn't cut it and that I would need more time. So the time limit became extended until right before the movie started she would come get me. Then I convinced her to come a half an hour early to help me with my chores if I don't get them done (I know this is evil and your all thinking I am a cruel boyfriend, but hey... at least I'm telling her the truth over my blog because I know she will read this ha). Now you are all trying to figure out why I came up with that devious, evil plan. Was it because I wanted to do extra chores and make my mom happy? Was it because I was tired and wanted to go back to bed? Or was it because I just had nothing better to do? Ha! No to all of those stupid excuses, instead, it was because I wanted to game a little before I went and did the daily plans with her. Yes, Yes.. I know. Anyways, I gamed for a little bit and began to get into them a little to much and procrastinated my work until the last second, in which I ran outside and cut some of the hedges and then ran to go mow. Now the next part of the story is a little gruesome and I would just skip over it if I were you. Within the first few seconds of pushing my lawn mower, I somehow got dog poop (nice way to say it) between my foot and my flip flop. Now how that happened, I have no clue because that was definitely a first, and I seriously am still trying to figure out how it ended up between my foot and my flip flop... I cleaned that off right away and got back to mowing. Actually, now that I think about it more, maybe it was karma. Do any of you believe in karma? You should all comment below this post on your ideas of that, I am curious... but maybe it was karma for my devious ways on my girlfriend, who knows ha? The chores progressed, I finished mowing and I went back inside to check if Breanne sent me a message on Facebook, and their a message was, saying she was on her way asap, and she had said it about an hour ago. Minutes later she came knocking on my door. I still had to bag up the branches from the bushes up front, so we made a deal, she would go bag those branches up, while took a shower. So there I was again, relaxing as my girlfriend did my dirty work for once! Trust me, it is usually the other way around, despite my unusual devious ways yesterday. We both ended up finishing up and got ready. I scrambled to find my book bag so I could hide some pop and popcorn in it. because I would rather have free pop and 25 cent popcorn. So it took me forever to find it, then I had a stinking suspicion it would be in the garage, and I walk in and there it was after countless minutes of searching in the wrong place for so long. I hurry up and grab my jug for pop, and a few quarters and I run to the car. We head to the gas station and fill up like usual and then we were on our way to Harry Potter. We got in the parking lot and I hid the popcorn and pop in my bag. Sadly, by the the time I got inside the bottom of my bag was soaked and dripping (easily visible) and I'm quite surprised I didn't get caught. We got in to the theater and I quickly took off my bag and got the pop and popcorn out, the pop was fine, just some leaked out. As for the popcorn, the bottom of the bags were soaking wet, but hey, for 25 cents, I don't care, its great popcorn! We watched a few of the commercials, I really like the Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I plan on going to see that! Once the movie started we started munching down on the popcorn and shared the jug full of pop back and forth as we needed it. I am not going to give any of the movie away. All I am going to say is you all need to go see it, easily one of the best films so far this year! The plan (Yes, another plan, my girlfriend loves planning everything out) after the movie was to go get something to eat and then Wylie for some fun on the beach! We ended up going to Taco John's and Arby's ... in which we both had problems with, Taco John's forgot our sour cream, and Arby's forgot our large Mountain Dew, they also took an extremely long time for a drive through. Besides all of that, the food was amazing, and if it wasn't i would have been, lets just say "disappointed." We then headed out to Wylie and changed into our swim-wear. We sat and talked for a little bit, then began to walk around in the water, when all of the sudden a huge splash of water hit me coming from Breanne's direction. I looked up at her and she had a guilty smile on her face and a second later I had a face-full of tasty lake-water. That's when the war began, in which she started running and I easily caught up to her, picked her up and dragged her to her maker. Standing almost waist high for me, and carrying her marriage carry out to the water as she was struggling. I kindly dropped her into the lake as I saw the water engulf her, and then I began to run back to shore like a little girl as fast as I could, I am not really sure why, because I wasn't scared of her. I think it was just more of a playful thing to do at the time. We then sat on the beach, and then the idea of burying Breanne in the sand came to mind. I assure you it was so much fun, 'til darkness reigned over the sun and ruined the perfect day. Breanne, began to get cold and agitated with me. Which wasn't helping because she kept moving and it ruined the perfect sand sculpture on her. Then darkness really took its toll. It began to smell insanely bad for some reason. Then on top of all of that. Mosquitoes went crazy on us, open targets, wet from the water and everything was getting worse. I needed a picture ASAP but it wasn't done, and it really sucked and made me mad because I'm a perfectionist. On top of all that again, Breanne got sand in her eyes and things were just getting worse and worse. I went and rinsed my hands off, running to get the camera, and got one picture and then the camera died, meanwhile after having 100 mosquito bites, Breanne is going crazy because of all the sand, being cold, and ugh. For the next 10 minutes it was complete, utter chaos and in which I'm not going to put details. We were then on our way to my house to drop me off. We got to my house and we walked up to my door and said our good byes, gave each other hugs and kisses as I went in. I went in to lay down and relax. Later to be kindly interrupted by a knock on my door a few minutes later. It was Breanne and her mom again remembering to get her web-cam from my mom because she took it away for no reason. That is where my mom started becoming an "unpleasing" person. She didn't give them their web-cam because she was in a bad mood and throwing swear words all over. I had to tell my girlfriend and her mom sorry for my own mom's inappropriate actions as they left empty-handed. I closed the door and went back to relaxing. Time passed. About a half-an-hour later the door knocked again. Soon to be yelled at my mom for people knocking on the door when I didn't even know who it was and I didn't have anyone coming over that late. I go to open the door to get yelled at in an unhappy attitude by Breanne's dad, demanding the web-cam before he calls the cops. In which I was asking why he was yelling at me when it wasn't my fault, even though he insisted it was because I had the web-cam here, even though Breanne gave it to me to web-chat her for the first time. So I was in the middle of all this stupid drama when I shouldn't have been and I didn't even know what to do, when my mom came up to the door and said she would get the web-cam in a nice tone. Which surprised me. I decided to get out of that mess as soon as I could so I went inside and let them handle business. I went to go relax again. Realizing it wasn't doing much, I got up to go game a little bit to take things off my mind, and that got boring, so now I am typing up this Great day, that didn't end so great... Good Night everyone, hope your day is as great as mine, but just doesn't end like mine! Tomorrow is another day, or should I say today, because it is already 4:00 am. Yeah I know, I am a night owl. I just hope when I wake up tomorrow I will have a much better story for you all at the end of the day!